April 30th, 2008 0 min to read

California, here I AM!

Category : Miscellaneous

Somehow on a quick call from work, i have landed myself in the cali-for-ni-a. I haven’t posted any updates on my mini adventures, but, give me a couple days and you will be well satisfied. OH! and my camera is broken! So, this journey will be one for the readers and not the visually inclined, sorry :-P.

Comments (4)

  • avatar image
    Matt R April 30th, 2008

    look forward to hearing ur adventures of trying, I mean of having fun ;)

  • avatar image
    Marlon T May 20th, 2008

    haha. i've succeeded at both :-P

  • avatar image
    Matt R May 20th, 2008

    hey now,,your hand doesnt count ;)

  • avatar image
    Marlon T May 24th, 2008

    it doesnt!?