October 18th, 2009 3 min to read

Highlights of the most random moments in my life

Category : Miscellaneous

Just a sampling from what I can recollect. I’m sure there are even more random moments but, Ill continue to build as I remember.

      1. Waking up in some random chicks house, fully clothed in my work clothes from the day, shoes on and everything. WTF happened that night… NOTHING! Okay, nothing!

      2. Starting to play Left 4 Dead (PC Game) at 10 or so in the early morning, then getting a call asking if I want to go out later that night. ‘Later that night’? I ask myself, turn around look outside and it’s dark as hell, turns out its 10pm or something crazy late like that.

      3. Hanging with my friend at his house bored not doing a damn thing. Then the idea occurs, lets go to the Keys. Hm. Sure, why not?! It’s only a few hours drive away. Not for this bunch 😉

      4. Everything that happened after the ‘De La Soul’ concert.

      5. Living in Berlin. Solo Dolo.

      6. Thinking I killed a cat by running it over with my car. Turns out it was alive and wanting revenge on me, I guess.

      7. Working on projects with my buddy in Louisiana.

      8. The night before HIN Orlando.

      9. Spring break cruise with my brother back in like 02/03 or something like that.

      10. Searching for our friend in Overtown (ghetto), Miami in the middle of the night (3/4AM) after partying. If you live in Miami, you know Overtown is not a place to be… anytime of the day or night.

      11. Spending the 4th of July ’08 Weekend in New York.

      12. Riding around with the cabbie after a longgggg night (see 7AM) of clubbing looking for a Geldautomaten because I didn’t have any cash to pay him 😀

      13. Again, not having any cash to get home but, getting some from the girl I met that evening 😀

      14. Me: What do you mean there’s nothing to do in Zwanenberg?!
      Taxi Driver: It’s a small town, outside of Amsterdam. You could go to the city center…
      Me: Huh?! Outside of Amsterdam?!?
      Taxi Driver: Yea. Outside of Amsterdam, nothing to do. Take a taxi or train to the city center, 15 minutes by train, 20 minutes by taxi.
      Me: When does the train stop running?
      Taxi Driver: 12, i think, i am not sure. 1 maybe…
      Me: Hm. I’ll wait until tomorrow… Man, are you sure there is nothing to do in Zwanenberg?
      Taxi Driver: Yes, sure.
      *Me thinking… Damn, how the hell could i book this thing. Whatever*

      15. *Heading back to the hotel from the office in the taxi
      Me: Hey Rajindre, can you take me to get a shave tonight?
      Raj: Sure, no problem. You want go same place from last time?
      Me: Yea. They were good and cheap too.
      *…Miscellany Conversation…
      *Get to hotel
      Me: OK, see you in a bit and we move for the shaving place
      Raj: OK sir.
      *Few minutes later. Hop back in cab and start off for a fresh new shave
      Me: OK, shaving place, then a bar. hahaha
      Raj: OK sir, but way to the shave is one way. I have to go around, I know another place that is cheaper though. You want go there?
      Me: Cheaper!? Cheaper than 30 Rupees!?!
      Raj: Yes, yes, sir. 20 Rupees for shave and they are very good.
      Me: Sure, why not. Save 10 Rupees. I can have shave for life. I never have to touch my face again!!
      *Raj laughing in front seat
      Me: Cool man, this is awesome. Never again will I shave.

      It’ll probably cost me 10 Euro in Berlin… Back to shaving myself :'(

As I said, I’m sure there is more and I’ll add to it because more often than not every day for me sprouts some random event that leads to comedy or drama 😛

Comments (1)

  • avatar image
    Matt R October 18th, 2009

    #6 LOL #7 hell yea!