June 4th, 2015 1 min to read

Windows 10 Launching on 29th July 2015!

Category : Computing, Desktop PC


After long last, we have an official update from Windows 8 and not just the lazy additions that 8.1 brought to the table but a full fledged upgrade to the Windows operating system in the form of Windows 10.

Don’t let the lack of a Windows 9 operating system weight too heavy on your mind for the time being, that is something that will be answered around the same time that Dre drops Detox so, it should be real soon that we’ll come to understand why Microsoft went from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

For those users who have Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 the upgrade to Windows 10 is free and you should have already received an alert informing you that you are eligible for an update! For those users with illegitimate copies, you know damn well that you ain’t gonna receive no update message bitches. Anyone still on Windows 8, the upgrade to Windows 8.1 is free and you should have already done so quite some time ago which is why there isn’t any details on upgrade process for Windows 8 users because y’all are already on Windows 8.1…

I for sure will welcome this upgrade and build on the Windows ecosystem minus the gaming console; I’m a Playstation fan and having two consoles with two subscriptions doesn’t seem financially sound to me, maybe a Wii U.

Well, that’s all for this post, sit tight for the next great operating system that will take gaming and productivity to the next level!!!!