March 23rd, 2008 0 min to read

PS3…I own it… But, have no time to play it :(

Category : Gaming, PS3

What is it to splurge on a 400 dollar gaming system (Thanks CL!) only to clean it every once in a while since it is collecting dust from not being used/abused! I have purchased 3 games for this system and have accomplished beating two of the three, such easy games. The third game i own is Assassins creed, this game seems to be a time...

February 23rd, 2008 0 min to read

Getting things sorted

Category : Miscellaneous

So, matt and I finally had time to sit down and get some things straightened out about the blog. We are definitely putting our foot in the right direction to get this thing off the ground. Check back frequently as we will be implementing monitoring tools for everyone to track our every cent being gained by this sole site! Excited to ...

February 21st, 2008 0 min to read

Tried to upgrade WordPress :(

Category : Miscellaneous

Lets just say sad times ensued and i lost all the previously posted blogs. Eh, no matter, this is a learning experience and I am sure this will happen next time i try to upgrade the blog 😛 EDIT! OOOOOOOOO, After posting this blog the previously said deleted blogs have just reappeared! OMFG good times. ...

February 21st, 2008 0 min to read

Creating some new layouts

Category : Miscellaneous

So, I have been toying around with creating some new designs for the site. Look for changes coming in the near future. This blog will look nothing like this in the coming months, well, it is probably going to be constantly changing style and designs over the months as we tweak it to our liking and optimal viewing pleasure for the sit...

February 19th, 2008 0 min to read

Looonnnggg Dayyy

Category : Miscellaneous

I’ve got one million things on my plate and I am always being given 1 million and 1 things to do, I feel it is a very fitting title for this blog site since i have so many tasks to complete it equates to the monetary goal that we are trying to accomplish 😉 Did i mention… I love blogggin!!! ...

February 17th, 2008 0 min to read

It’s UP!!!

Category : Miscellaneous, Shout-Outs

Posting a little bit of tears of joy that we have gotten our Blog up and running in it’s alpha stages!!! BOOYAKSHA!!! MATTT WE ON OUR WAYYY FOOOL!!!! ...