July 6th, 2010 2 min to read

Gateway HD2200/HD2201 Monster

Category : Monitor

Finally, I’m getting this review/article up about an pretty good monitor. It was first drafted in April 2008! Please have a read and enjoy.

This monitor has been nothing but GREAT! since I have purchased it a short few weeks ago. The picture quality is superior, web viewing is excellent, image editing, etc. etc. the list goes on and on about how well this monitor looks/performs. If you live close to a Best Buy go and check out the Gateway High Definition (HD) 2200/2201 Monitors they have available [probably no longer in stores and replaced by far better monitors at this point at cheaper prices].

Using the Gateway HD2200/2201 as a replacement for my previous HP F2107 has been one of the greatest decisions I have made in a long time, high resolution gaming and it has been easy on my eyes for extended viewing periods. If you haven’t read my post of the plights of my usage with the HP monitor you can find that here, enjoy my misery. The Gateway monitor has done it’s role very well over the years, through traveling with me across the world since the last one (1) year when I moved to Europe.

Currently, I primarily use the monitor as an extension of my Dell XPS M1730 gaming machine to watch movies and work on some light web development plus blogging. I rarely play games anymore through the extension of this screen as the resources of current gen games is fairly taxing on the aging hardware in my XPS (I do/did find some time to play a bit of Dead Space, BioShock, and C&C: RA3 — lots of Starcraft: Broodwar has been had on the XPS but that doesn’t really count too much as any system can run that game now.)

The only problem/gripe I have with this monitor is the touch sensitive controls for the menu navigation, either I have extra greasy fingers or some fingers that don’t produce the energy necessary to register a ‘touch’ to the power button for the screen to turn off/on or the menu to select the proper options that I want/need. Nonetheless, after some frustrating tags of the monitor from different angles, I eventually get the Gateway HD to cooperate and do what I want it to do.

Gateway has done an exceptional job with this monitor and I commend them for that, but please! resolve this issue of my touch sensitive controls so I don’t spend 30 seconds+ trying to turn the screen on/off!

Overall, I would definitely recommend this monitor to anyone as a 4 out of 5 star monitor.